OpenRail DesignerCONNECT Edition

Regression Line from Points Dialog Options

Minimum Distance Tolerance

Defines a minimum distance in the search for the next point during the process of ordering regression points. Points must lie beyond the Minimum Distance Tolerance from the current regression point to be considered as candidates to be the next regression point. This value should be selected as less than the standard distance between consecutive survey points.

Maximum Distance Tolerance

Defines a maximum distance in the search for the next point during the process of ordering regression points. Points must lie closer than the Maximum Distance Tolerance from the current regression point to be considered as candidates to be the next regression point.

Maximum Deviation

Specifies an offset, measured from a line projected through the current regression point and the previous one, that defines a zone inside which points must lie to be considered as candidates to be the next regression point. The purpose of the Maximum Deviation is to ensure that the search for the next regression point is restricted to points that lie generally in the path of the previously ordered regression points.

Minimum Deviation

Specifies an offset, measured from a line projected through the current regression point and the previous one, that defines a zone inside which points will not be considered as candidates to be the next regression point. Minimum Deviation parameter is used for removing near colinear points that does not contribute to the analysis, reducing the number of points to have a lighter dataset. This parameter is especially useful in the cases where survey points are extracted automatically from laser readings or reality models and has excessive number of points.